The anthropomorphic looks and nature of this is ridiculous. Next thing you expect is Motobot stepping down of the motorcycle to shake Valentino Rossi‘s hand and blow up a bottle of champaign.
Mabu : « − How are you feeling today? »
“We are trying to put the human’s brain inside the robot”
Robot dance is so poetic…
…until you see the interface.
Tickle robots
In the past years Driessens & Verstappen have developed three devices for automated skin caress: Spear is a first attempt to reproduce the unpredictable movements of a blade of grass when it is blowing in the wind and gently touches your skin. Tickle is a small autonomous robot with a pair of nubbed rubber caterpillar tracks. Tickle Salon is a robotic installation that uses a suspended probe to carry out sensitive movements over the surface of the skin.
A robot wiping your face or wiping your face against a robot?
Via Boingboing
A robot that climbs humans shirts and pants. Where is it going?
Meet Huggable Robot.
Are you feeling a little shy? That’s OK.