[…] said one worker, under supervision.
Tag: abuse
Come on! Just stab it properly FFS
(thx @m_pf)
PS: Hey New Scientist, what the hell is that weird robot dance supposed to illustrate at the end of the clip?
Don’t inappropriately touch a robot co-worker
Rules of robot human workplace interaction by Emily Dreyfuss.
Suicidal Security Robot drowns itself in pool
(source: @bilalfarooqui)
Watch out for the Tinder bots
Police say drunk man knocked down Mountain View security robot
Police say drunk man knocked down Mountain View security robot
I think this is a pretty pathetic incident […] because they attack a victim who doesn’t even have any arms
Guangzhou restaurant fires its robot staff for their incompetence
Chinese Robot Goes Rogue, Smashes Booth and Injures Visitor
A robot went out of control at the China Hi-Tech Fair 2016 in Shenzhen on Thursday, smashing a glass window and injuring a visitor. The robot that went violent is named “Fatty” and is designed for household use.
Percussive maintenance
My old grandmother used to say, anything mechanical give it a good bash.
Humans have been hitting machines probably since they exist (as portrayed in this beautiful supercut by Duncan Robson)