This nuance is important, because “robot” is a powerful word. It is at once something that makes people uncomfortable (killer robots, job-stealing robots, etc.) and that makes them feel nice (Kuri the extremely endearing companion robot). “The word robot generates a lot of attention and fascination and sometimes fear,” says Darling. “You can use it to get people’s attention. I mean, it’s much sexier to call something a robot than call something a dishwasher.”
Author: julien
“After the robots arrived and took over some of our work, we have treated it like a brother”
Funeral robot can neither express or feel respect
Pepper the robot can perform funerary rites, but it shouldn’t.
It’s meant to help bring down the costs of funerary services in Japan, where (as elsewhere) they can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. But this is just a bad, dumb idea.
It’s a bad idea to introduce autonomy, or any machine really, into a situation that fundamentally calls for respect and sympathy, because machines have neither.
Come on! Just stab it properly FFS
(thx @m_pf)
PS: Hey New Scientist, what the hell is that weird robot dance supposed to illustrate at the end of the clip?
Drunk robot…. or so it seems
(thx @masaladani)
Don’t inappropriately touch a robot co-worker
Rules of robot human workplace interaction by Emily Dreyfuss.
Suicidal Security Robot drowns itself in pool
(source: @bilalfarooqui)
Could you kill a robot?
We have some indication that we can measure people’s empathy using robots, which is pretty interesting.