…but safe

Not sure if it’s intentional, but agile and safe in the same sentence is sure to hit high on search engine confusion, especially with a github website to promote your paper. You’re going to get a ton of hits from webshits with 99 problems but robotdog obstacle-avoidance ain’t gonna be one.

Also, calling something “but safe” is, how do I say it clearly but nicely, shooting yourself in the bearing balls. You’re not going to make me think for one sec that this noisy cocaine high articulated pet is inoffensive.

Looks like you know your classics though. The “robotdog kicking bloopers” are always welcome. You seemed a little too careful though not to hurt the animal, a little too safe?

Don’t kick my robotaxi

A pretty good summary of the issues with robotaxis right now. The gap between young Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and tenured city officials is abysmal. Best part of the video is right at the beginning, when we see the journalist trapped in an expensive fully automated metal box getting kicked by an angry citizen not allowed to park their car because of the “intelligence” of said metal box.

We have no standards on which to base whether these vehicle are actually as safe as humans, safer than humans or not as safe as humans, except to trust that these companies are telling us the truth about their safety statistics

Sam Abuelsamid, Principal Research Analyst