Quadrupedal Unmanned Ground Vehicles (QUGV) comes equipped with automatic rifles. When does the UN will put these on the banned weapons list?
Quadrupedal Unmanned Ground Vehicles (QUGV) comes equipped with automatic rifles. When does the UN will put these on the banned weapons list?
Study finds that robots can pressure people to do risky things | Boing Boing
“The robot made me do it”
The results showed that the group who were encouraged by the robot took more risks
I’m guessing, like all of us, Pope Francis is concerned robots might one day take his job.
Robots to be used in UK care homes to help reduce loneliness
The robots’ limitations centred on their conversations feeling
superficial and lacking “richness”, users said. They lacked
personalisation and sometimes did not show enough cultural awareness,
and their head movements and hand gestures were sometimes distracting.
On a side note, this article is a text-book example on how to avoid speaking about the fact that capital prefers investing money in tech than to pay social workers.
Proxy your child’s emotional education through Moxie, a cloud-connected gender-less desktop-size teal-colored garbage bin, which will most probably end up in the mountains of e-trash along with their Nabaztag friends.
American robots lose jobs to Asian robots as Adidas shifts manufacturing
The Adidas factories were part of a drive to meet demand for faster delivery of new styles to its major markets and to counter rising wages in Asia and higher shipping costs. […] Martin Shankland, Adidas’ head of global operations, said the factories had helped the company improve its expertise in innovative manufacturing, but it aimed to apply what it had learned with its suppliers.
[S]he ran over to the park’s police robot to push its emergency alert button.
“I was pushing the button but it said, ‘step out of the way,’” Guebara said. “It just kept ringing and ringing, and I kept pushing and pushing.”
She thought maybe the robot, which stands about 5 feet tall and has “POLICE” emblazoned on its egg-shaped body, wanted a visual of her face, so she crouched down for the camera. It still didn’t work.
Amid the scene, the robot continued to glide along its pre-programmed route, humming an intergalactic tune that could have been ripped from any low-budget sci-fi film.