Tactile Contact With Intimate Parts of a Human-Shaped Robot is Physiologically Arousing

Touching less accessible regions of the robot (e.g., buttocks and genitals) was more physiologically arousing than touching more accessible regions (e.g., hands and feet). No differences in physiological arousal were found when just pointing to those same
anatomical regions.”

Source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/humanoids/stanford-touching-nao-robot

Nobody Wants Social Robots That Look Like Humans Because They Threaten Our Identity

Nobody Wants Social Robots That Look Like Humans Because They Threaten Our Identity

Over the last several years, when surveys have asked people (in Europe and Japan) about how they feel about robots in their lives, along with a positive perception of robots in general there was a significant amount of resistance to the idea of anthropomorphic robots doing things like
teaching children or taking care of the elderly.