10 years is retirement age for androids

…or so it seems. Boston Dynamics retired Atlas, the android robot we all know for its terminator style back-flips and other “parkour” abilities in controlled environment.

The famous robocompany, once Google’s property until it was too toxic for the “no-evil” brand to keep, just released a video celebrating their ten years of product demos, with, you guessed it, lots of unseen bloopers.

Some are very gross with hydraulic body fluids pouring out of broken limbs or our Johnny Atlas here hitting itself in the bearing balls (like in the looping gif above originally extracted by TechCrunch). So, viewer discretion advised.

And bye Atlas, you amazed us as much as you scared us. I won’t say I’ll miss you.

Google files a patent for generating a personality for a robot based on user data

Extract of US Patent N°: 8,996,429 B1

A robot may access a user device to determine or identify information about a user, and the robot may be configured to tailor a personality for interaction with the user based on the identified information. A robot may further receive data associated with the user to identify the user, such as using speech or face recognition. The robot may provide a personalized interaction or response to the user based on the determined information of the user. In some examples, a robot’s personality or personalization can be transferred from one robot to another robot, or information stored on one robot can be shared with another robot over the cloud.