Does he have a favourite robot? “I actually do. 64117. There’s a kind of leaderboard system that tracks each drive unit [a droid in Amazon lingo, Ed.], and I follow them all. 64117 has travelled only 164 metres the whole time it’s been here. It’s the laziest drive we’ve got. It’s got the work/life balance worked out.”

« It’s much sexier to call something a robot than call something a dishwasher »

This nuance is important, because “robot” is a powerful word. It is at once something that makes people uncomfortable (killer robots, job-stealing robots, etc.) and that makes them feel nice (Kuri the extremely endearing companion robot). “The word robot generates a lot of attention and fascination and sometimes fear,” says Darling. “You can use it to get people’s attention. I mean, it’s much sexier to call something a robot than call something a dishwasher.”

Wired – What is a robot?